Thank You!
No lengthy contracts. No need to go all-in right away. Let’s take this one step at a time!
Your business is unique, and so are your needs.
That’s why pre-packaged “gold, silver, and platinum” retainer offerings rarely work. That would be like going to a Doctor’s website and picking one of three prescription packages without them ever giving you a checkup or asking what’s wrong. Insane, right?
If you’ve been burned by agencies or gurus in the past, we understand how you feel. Our process is low-stress and allows both sides to get a feel for the relationship before ever committing to something more.
Over a series of steps, we can help you discover what our clients are doing to fuel their company growth, beat their competitors, and spend more time focusing on things other than marketing.
We will contact you as soon as we can. In the meantime, feel free to browse some of our offerings and poke around the rest of our website.
We look forward to speaking with you.

Calling the Shots
Pat Sitkins is Adaptive’s Founder and increaser of enterprise value for mid-to-large businesses. As someone who has sat on both the client and consultant side of marketing, he is able to pull from his experiences in complex B2B settings to offer strategic advice to help build brand assets, manage reputations and win big with digital marketing.
Schedule Your Discovery Call
Call or Text (904) 206-7594
By Appointment
Mon - Fri, 8am - 4pm
525 N 3rd St #125
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
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